Friday, July 9, 2010

Things I Will Do For You

1. I will never demand.
2. I will never compare you to anyone.
3. I will never nag, criticize, throw tantrums and I will try not be emotional.
4. I calmly tell you what I want and explains to you how it feels to me.
5. I will reward you whenever you do something that makes me feel sexy, royal, special, and wonderful.
6. I will treat you like a King.
7. I will always believe in your dreams, skills, intentions and ability to accomplish great things.
8. I will always admire and believe in your ability to overcome obstacles.
9. I will never stop knowing you.
7. To Be Continue (ongoing discovery)

Several Ways to To Tell If I am Getting in a Relationship With the Right Person

1. You will make me a better person, will not distract me or stagnate me.
2. I do not think you have ulterior motive (sex, money, immigration, stay etc.)
3. You are interested to me as a human being.
4. I am sure you will bring happiness to me.
5. You have the qualities that makes me happy.
6. I find joy and peace with you.
7. I would like you to be the father of my future children. (If Ever)
8. You have a nice life record.
9. You know how to manage money and budget.
10. You have a nice spending habit. (I can tell)
11. You will allow me to retain my personality.
12. You are a safe person to be with.
13. I haven't met the people around you, but I have a feeling they will say good things about you.
14. You treat your parent's nicely.
15. You are definitely available.
16. You are trustworthy, brutally honest.
17. I know you can fulfill my emotional needs...
18. I am sure you can provide for me.
19. You are not drama king.
20. You have good values.
21. You shower three times a day...(not so common)
22. And of course you like me.
23. To Be Continue...(It is an ongoing discovery each day.)
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